2 hour Canaltour

Sloepdelen recommends: Het Joppe in Leiden

Just north of Leiden you can find the linked area of lakes called  ‘Kagerplassen’, the oldest aquatics area of the Netherlands. The lake closest to Leiden is ‘het Joppe’ and is only 45 minutes from our dock. In contrary to the other lakes within the area of the Kagerplassen, het Joppe is not a naturally originated lake, for it was excavated in the 70’s to supply Leiden with sand.. This is also why it is much deeper than the other…
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Sloepdelen recommends: De Kromme Rijn in Utrecht

When sailing in Utrecht, consider booking your boat a little longer to sail on the “Kromme Rijn”. At only half an hour away from the city center of Utrecht you can sail quietly through an enchanting landscape. The Kromme Rijn runs from “Wijk bij Duurstede” to Utrecht and was around the year 1000 A.D. the most important route from the Rijn to the North Sea measuring 100 meter in width. After damming in 1122 the river has become a lot…
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tevreden mensen event varen amsterdam utrecht

The summer of ’18

What did you do during the summer of 2018? This is a question that we might ask eachother in 20 years or so, because what an incredible summer it has been so far and the end is not yet in sight.. Delightful temperatures and not a drop of rain in the sky. Normally we might have 2 or 3 weeks per year with these conditions, but this year we are being spoiled with weather conditions we can only wish for…
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Concert op het water met bootjes in Haarlem

Spaarne Concert 2018

On july 7th the third edition of the Spaarne Concert will take place. This open-air concert on the spaarne in the heart of Haarlem is freely accesible and guarantees a day filled with great music. From orchestras to Big Bands and singer-songwriters, there is something for everyone. Take a boat, sail to the concert and revel in the enchanting atmosphere on and around the water. For more information check the website of the Spaarne Concert. Have fun on the water!
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Drakenboten tijdens de Lakenfeesten in Leiden

The Leiden Lakenfeesten

From the 21st until the 24th of june the “Leidse Lakenfeesten” will take place, a festival filled with performances, events and ‘gezelligheid’. Throughout the whole city of Leiden there is a lot to do on and next to the water. Definitely worth taking a boat trip through the canals during these days. A public favourite during the Lakenfeesten is the Dragonboat race. Led by upbeat drums the zealous rowing teams will battle to be the first to push their dragonhead…
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Hello Spring!

After an unexpected refreshing end of the winter it is now finally time for spring! Sunshine and temperatures comfortably exceeding freezing point will have you leaving your Winter Blues behind in no time. The time has come to store away your wintercoat, start planting your kitchen garden and enjoy your first drink on an outside terrace. The water also beckons now that the sun pleasantly shines over the canals, nothing wrong with taking a relaxing boat ride. Enjoy!
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Dame van Sloepdelen tijdens Bedrijfsevent of bedrijfsuitje

Sloepdelen in 2018

In 2018 we will once again make sure everyone can enjoy sailing through the most beautiful canals of the Nederlands This year we have a number of exciting developments scheduled. To start with we will increase the number of boats at our dock in east Amsterdam, this way we won’t have to disappoint as many people as before when it’s a wonderful day to go sailing. Furthermore we will continue and extend our offering of beverages, we noticed the option…
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As sudden as spring seemed to disappear, now summer comes busting through! A whole week with temperatures ranging from 25 to 30 degrees and not a single drop of rain, if you were still looking for a reason to go sailing.. Here it is! So grab some friends and get your *ss on the water!  
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5th of may concert

Last friday the 5th of may concert on the Amstel in front of Carré took place and like previous years Sloepdelen was present right in front of the stage!
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Tips and highlights

We’ve listed highlights and other useful points of interest on our site for you! When you head to the location page of Amsterdam,  Utrecht, Leiden or Haarlem you can find a map which contains places of interest. You can easily find e.g. :  locations of supermarkets to stock up on supplies, cool bars worth visiting by boat and we’ve listed toilets for when the need is high. City highlights are also indicated on the map so you can find them easily. Whether you have been living in one…
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The birds are whistling, the terraces are packed and the first flipflops are sighted. It’s safe to say spring is here! According to current forecasts the temperatures will rise to 20 degrees celsius! You don’t need a license to sail one of our boats, so take one out and enjoy the canals with your friends! Furthermore, you might’ve heard that Utrecht has been declared Europe’s most beautiful canal city. Find out why and reserve your boat on our website. Have fun on…
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Kingsday 2017

Kingsday 2017 is closing in again. The day that the whole of the Netherlands turns orange, the biggest party of the year! Perhaps the best way to experience this day is by taking a boat and go sailing, you will be at the center of the festivities, but without the bustle. No queues to get a drink, but still fully immersed in the atmosphere and (hopefully) enjoying the sunshine while floating around the canals. So gather your friends and book your boat for…
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Spring ahoy!

It has been hard not to notice: it finally feels like spring again! Today has seen a lot of sunshine and it appears that this is only the beginning. Some sources are even hinting at temperatures rising to almost 20 degrees near the end of next week! Our boats have all returned from winter-maintenance and are ready totake full advantage of this wonderful news. So what are you waiting for? Book now!  
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Best wishes for 2017!

We wish everyone the best for 2017 and thank all those who sailed with us in 2016 for a great year! Last year we saw a lot of happy faces at our docks and judging by all the positive reactions we got, it is safe to say many people have enjoyed sailing on our boats. We won’t mention the ailing weather of May-June-July and instead be thankful of the wonderful weather we had in the fall, even up to half October…
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boot huren in de winter


The nights are getting longer and we are craving more and more for hot chocolate, it’s clear that (forgive me) Winter is Coming! Sailing is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking  about winter, but sailing during this time of the year definitely has its benefits: It is quiet on the water, you will have the whole city for yourself With some good clothes and fleece blankets (which we provide), there is no need to be cold at…
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Sloepdelen Duck Race

Hundreds of ducks fought for the titel in the Sloepdelen Duck Race 2016 ! During the Check in – Check out fare in Utrecht everyone had the opportunity to register his or her name with one of the ducks, who in their turn fought a heroic battle in an intense race. Some didn;t make it, others were just a little too slow, but ladies and gentlemen… We got the winners! Iris, Hanne en Anne Marie, congratulations on your free boat trip…
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Autumn in the Netherlands

Fall has finally arrived, after summer in september we can now enjoy the autumn scenery   Even now (maybe even more so) it is wonderful to go sailing. It is a lot quieter on the water and in the city, and the trees all have their beautiful autumn colors. With a blanket and a nice sweater you won’t even be  cold. So go reserve your boat and enjoy the Fall!  
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Check in check out

Last saturday Sloepdelen was at Check in Check out, a fair where al lot of the best activities in and around Utrecht presented themselves. Here we showed everyone interested in what Utrecht has to offer, the fun of sailing your own boat through the canals. Our enthusiastic colleagues definitely played a big part in bringing the message across. Finally everyone was offered the opportunity to enlist for a rubber-duck-race, which will take place in the coming week and the first…
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Kunstroute Leiden

This weekend the largest annual art route in the Netherlands will take place on the 24th and 25th of september in Leiden. This year 123 artists and 46 galeries/art-initiatives are participating. A lot of locations are situated at the water, the perfect opportunity to take a boat and sail from one galery to the next on the beautiful canals of Leiden. On the website of Kunstroute Leiden you can find all galeries accesible from the water and plan your route…
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Feeling hot hot hot!

An unexpected present: Summer in september!   Previously we told you it would be the last opportunity to enjoy the sun on the water, yet now luckily this appears not to be the case! So take an extra day off, skip that boring lecture for just this once or go out in the evening to enjoy this surprise in september. Have fun on the water!
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Prinsengrachtconcert 2016

On saturday the 20th of august the Prinsengrachtconcert took place, which is perhaps the most unique classical music concert in the Netherlands. Every year, at the heart of the Prinsengracht a stage is placed in the water, where each year a different soloist is asked to perform. This year Ann Hallenberg from Sweden had the honour. The concert is freely accesible for the public and what makes it so unique, is the fact that you can take your boat to attend the…
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Lunchroom Voer

At the Hooghiemstraplein, right next to our boats, you can find lunchroom Voer. Fresh, Sustainable and most of all Delicious. This is the place to get a tasty lunch, a great cup of coffe and freshly made juices. Definitely recommended to drop by before or after your trip, but maybe even better: it is also possible to take it with you on the boat and enjoy it while sailing! Voer is open from monday through friday, from 9 AM until…
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Summer is in the air!

It is of course a big cliche, but after rain comes sunshine! We are heading for a great week to close august in high spirits. This is the week to fire up the BBQ, go to the beach, have a picknick in the parc and of course to go sailing. Seize this opportunity before fall arrives! But then again, who knows what september has in store…
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The Canal Parade 2016

One of the most famous events in Amsterdam, the Canal Parade, will take place tomorrow. The parade is part of the Gay Pride. This year the city of Amsterdam is host of the EuroPride, therefore the Canal Parade will be even more festive than before. A total of 80 LGBTI- organizations will be sailing through the canals of Amsterdam. The boats will leave at 14:00 from the Westerdok and will sail through the Prinsengracht, the Amstel and The Nieuwe Herengracht to their destiation…
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Vrienden varen met Sloepdelen Bootje

Summer is here!

Summer is finally here! The past couple of days have been great, but coming week promises 7 days of summer! Temperatures exceeding 25 degrees, it took some patience, but the sunglasses and flipflops are finally here to stay. This weather simply begs to take a boat, but when you do, keep the following in mind: Sunscreen! It is common knowledge that the sun is stronger when on the water, but do not underestimate it and smear yourself (or eachother) in Water: Make…
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Spaarne Concert

Last saturday the first edition of the Spaarne Concert took place in Haarlem. The parallel with the Prinsengrachtconcert of Amsterdam is easily drawn and completely justified. On the Spaarne, in the heart of Haarlem, everyone was able to enjoy wonderful music in an intimate atmosphere. As far as we are concernced it was a great evening and definitely worth continuing next year. Make sure you are there!
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Drakenboten tijdens de Lakenfeesten in Leiden

Leidse Lakenfeesten

Last week the “Leidse Lakenfeesten” took place, a festival filled with performances, events and good fun. Throughout the city there is a lot to see and hear on and around the canals. It is definitely worth making a boat trip during this festival. A favourite and fixed event during the Lakenfeesten is the Dragonboat race, spurred by drummers, ebthusiastic teams of rowers compete to be the first that pushes the dragon’s head over the finish line. This race is held…
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Echt Utrecht

A week ago the website ‘Echt Utrecht’ (real Utrecht) was launched On this website locals give tips on what is really worthwhile in Utrecht, definitely a must when planning a trip to Utrecht. We completely agree with Carlijn for example, who says: “The canals are most beautiful when seen from the water. Everyone knows the Oudegracht, but the Nieuwegracht and the Singel are also really stunning!” (Also, Giannina has perfect tip for a great burger, we too are huge fans of Meneer Smakers!)
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Events on the Amsterdam canals

In Amsterdam each year several events take place on the canals. These events are characteristic for the city of Amsterdam and impressive to experience from the water. Sloepdelen offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and be part of the party. Kingsday: 27th of april, Kingsday, is known nationally and internationally as the biggest party in The Netherlands. The festivities are centered in Amsterdam, where hundreds of thousands of people gather to have a wonderful day. The canals will also turn orange…
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Nice review from Tripadvisor!

Sloepdelen receives TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence 2016 ! A while ago Sloepdelen received the Certificate of Excellence, this certificate is awarded based upon the reviews that users write about Sloepdelen. Needless to say, it’s based on positive (4/5 star) reviews. We are very excited and thankful to our customers to write such positive reviews. We will do our utmost to make sure the Sloepdelen experience will only get better. Every season we’re busy making things better, faster and easier to use. For our…
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Music Festival “Sleutels tot Schuyt”

From Thursday 9th of June until Sunday  12th of June, Leiden honors the composer Cornelis Schuyt with a new music festival; “Sleutels tot Schuyt”. The city of Leiden honors composer Cornelis Schuyt with a new grand music festival “Sleutels tot Schuyt”. Cornelis Schuyt died 400 years ago in Leiden. His song “Oh Leyda gratiosa” underlined his lifelong relationship with the city, where he was a notable figure in the social and cultural life. With vocals, organ, flute, dance, and children’s theater,…
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Lovely weekend to sail!

Discover the  Amsterdam canals Go out and discover Amsterdam on one of our boats, bring drinks and snacks and enjoy our silent electric boats!  Renting a boat online is easy!  You can fit up to 12 people on one boat!  We have 3 different routes for you. Canal Route: This route will take you through the beautiful canals of central Amsterdam. Enjoy all of Amsterdams sights from the water. the Plantation Road: The Plantation Route brings you through the greenest district of Amsterdam. There…
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Haarlem Sloepdelen dock officially opened!

Haarlem location open for business For the opening in Haarlem we invited neighbours and interested parties for a drink.  Several partners of Sloepdelen were there to celebrate that there are 2 boats stationed in Haarlem. More Sloepdelen boats will follow soon with slight improvements made to make them perfect for traversing the Haarlem Waters. We hope to see you soon in Haarlem (as well) !
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Utrecht, a beautiful city

Admire Utrecht from the canals with it’s unique docks at the Oudegracht, the magnificent nature around the Singel and the  amazing Nieuwegracht.
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Enjoy all the beautiful sights Haarlem has to offer

Go out on a boat in Haarlem. Sail around in Haarlem, a beautiful old city with lots of water going through and surrounding it making it perfect for traversing the city with a Sloepdelen boat. The “Spaarnestad” is part of the Standing Mast Route, a thoroughfare for sailing ships and motor yachts with a mast or build up height of over 6 meter. You can gaze at all the great ships that come sailing past. Haarlem is part of the…
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