
Image for Amsterdam


World famous for its breathtaking canals. The main canals already have a length of 12.5 kilometres and include 80 bridges.

Address & contact

Mauritskade 3 & Nassaukade 69
+31 20 41 91 007 info@sloepdelen.nl
Image for The Hague

The Hague

Den Haag

Address & contact

Nijverheidsstraat 32, Rijswijk
+31 61 60 98 314 info@sloepdelen.nl
Image for Haarlem


Not yet as overrun by tourists as Amsterdam, but equally beautiful. Enough time? Head into the waters of the beautiful surroundings, like the Mooi Nel.

Address & contact

Schotersingel 2
+31 23 71 00 051 info@sloepdelen.nl
Image for Leiden


Experience Rembrandt’s city from the water! The canals measure an incredible 28 kilometres and feature 88 bridges!

Address & contact

Boommarkt 8
+31 71 31 10 333 info@sloepdelen.nl
Image for Loosdrecht


Want to rent your own boat on the Dutch lakes? Our starting point at Loosdrecht is the place for you!

Address & contact

Oud-loosdrechtsedijk 253
+31 20 41 91 007 info@sloepdelen.nl
Image for Utrecht


The most beautiful canal city of Europe! The canal wharves and cellars are unique in the world.

Address & contact

Geertebolwerk 3
+31 30 71 16 200 info@sloepdelen.nl
Image for Vecht


Rent a boat on the lovely Vecht near Weesp! Enjoy the perfect day on the water with your very own electric boat

Address & contact

Dammerweg 6A, weesp
+31 20 41 91 007 info@sloepdelen.nl

Book now
