
Do you have a question? Perhaps your answer is among the Frequently Asked Questions. Otherwise feel free to contact us.

Emergency number

Still out on a boat and really need our help with something? Call +31204191007 and hold the line until you will hear a menu where you can choose a city, to be connected with an employee.

Post adress

Sloepdelen B.V.
Planciusstraat 28HS
1013 MH Amsterdam

KVK: 34271461
BTW: NL817856444B01

Our bank account details:
IBAN: NL83 RABO 01215 816 59

Team up?

Would you like to work with us? This is certainly possible! Hotels, event agencies or caterers with a good proposal, please get in touch. We are open to nearly anything, give advice and devise solutions.

  • Sloepdelen has spacious, luxurious boats
  • Lots of experience
  • We are very flexible
  • We have a big network